About the Fund

The Fund “Angelo akys” was founded in the end of 2019. The founding was influenced by the fact that the founder’s family encountered the sight issues of the founder’s child and they were looking for a solution. Currently, the children’s sight problems are becoming more relevant; the occurrence of them, as is stated by the World Health Organization and Lithuanian specialists, is largely influenced by the use of visual information on the basis of computers and cell phones. Global experience shows that preventive measures and actions highly influence the avoidance and even elimination of children sight problems. As the specialists state, on the basis of them, the children may be prepared in regards to how it is needed and necessary to preserve one’s sight.

The analysis also shows that an important factor in order to avoid children sight problems and to effectively solve those sight problems that have already occurred is the understanding of purposeful and objective notion on the questions of sight that the persons belonging to the child’s close environment have – parents, guardians, educationalists and others. The necessary conception of these issues and their occurrence provide possibilities to properly take-care of and tend the children, in order to guarantee them a good sight, not allow deforming it and timely notice the possible children sight disturbances.

By understanding this, the Fund, by its activity, will first of all, on the basis of various trainings, consultations and advices, intend to preventively help the children avoid possible sight problems and together will purposefully strive to prepare the parents, guardians, educationalists and other persons close to the children for this process. Through active communication, it will be intended to include in to this process organizations that treat sight and other eye diseases and specialists, as well as, other institutions, which activity is associated with maintaining and nurturing the wellness of children.

The Fund will perform its activity on the basis of various trainings, consultations, preparing and disseminating target information on the topic of safeguarding of sight and the betterment of it, as well as, by providing target aid to institutions and organizations performing the supervision programs of children eyes and sight, and performing target projects on the basis of the Fund’s activity.

The Goals of the Activity of the Fund

To help the children to safeguard and better their sight through the performance of various trainings, also providing methodical aid to the parents, guardians, educationalists and other persons close to the children.

To provide aid to target projects, programs and means associated with the help provided to the children that have sight disturbances and eye diseases, accumulate and disseminate target literature and other information about the children’s sight disturbances and eye diseases, the possibilities of avoiding and treating them.

To prepare and perform various programs and projects associated with the solutions for the children’s sight problems and participate in them.

To cooperate with other Lithuanian and foreign countries funds acting in the area of the Fund’s activity, charity and aid organizations, Lithuanian and other countries institutions, companies and organizations and natural persons in motivating them to support the activity of the Fund.

To provide aid and support to tidy, but poor large families, gifted and talented children, as well as, young persons.